Saturday, November 13, 2004


Day 29 - There are some impressed people out there!

Hello hello,

Well, when I was speed running yesterday (1.20 minute for 350 meters), I got some very appreciative comments.....some of my friends asked me where all this energy was coming from :o)
I truly think this raw food diet which I am not doing at 100% but rather at 100% has amazing impacts on me......

Sport for the day: 2 hour walk + 30 minute yoga

Breakfast: mashed banana, raw almond butter and raw bread

Lunch: found an amazing RAW restaurant in San Francisco and I was impressed by the raw desserts they had to offer!!

No snack

Dinner: huge salad with arugula, micro greens, sprouted grains, pine nuts, mashed avocad and raw bread, sun dried blueberries

all is well in the raw food world...... 100% yesterday..yeahhhhhhhhhhhh

Have a great sunny day my dear friends!

Valerie Vauthey

Friday, November 12, 2004


Day 27/28 - B12 - the mystery is still unsolved :o)

No sport yesterday? ;o)

Dinner: a not so raw hazelnuts bar + 2 parsimmons

Breakfast: the smoothie created by Kaleah: orange juice + banana + almond milk + 1 Tbs almond butter

30 minutes yoga

Lunch: 1 HUGE watercress salad with sunflower seeds and pistachios, 1 pear

4k jogging on flat track

Snack: 1 pear, grapes, almonds

Dinner: wild smoked salmon, huge arugula salad, 2 parsimmons, 1 ginger chew

This morning:

breakfast: a smoothie like Kaleah created...veyr yummy yummy....

30 minute jogging + 30 minute strength/yoga

lunch: arugula+micro greens+pinola salad, antelope stew (4 baby pieces), grapes

7k jogging: interval speed training (very intense)

snack: 1 avocado, 2 slices raw bread + walnut/cilantro pesto

Dinner: Arugula/micro greens/pinola salad with pesto (walnut and ciantro very yummy yummy)
1 slice raw bread with raw almond butter
grapes and grapes and grapes to the B12 MYSTERY.......there were a few exchanges between Kaleah and one of our research assistant (who is already vegetarian).....

Hereafter a summary of the latest medical research:

Donaldson, MS. Metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements.Ann Nutr Metab. 2000;44(5-6):229-34.
In summary:

1) True cobalamin (precursor to B12) is not found in any significant quantity in plant foods (this has been researched and documented). It's true that plants contain all the amino acids we need, and it is helpful to think of amino acids as building blocks used to make more complex substances. However, our bodies need blueprints and only know how to combine amino acids in certain ways using specific enzymes. There is no evidence that our bodies know how to take the necessary amino acids and make B12 out of it. That's like saying that I could give you all the metal you need to make the Golden Gate bridge (without any workers or tools or blueprints) and expect you to build it.

2) One study reported that B12 can be synthesized by bacteria who live in the small intestine (this bacteria was isolated from a few volunteers in Southern India). This has been the basis of claims that raw foodists do not need B12 supplementation. Also, dehydrated cereal grasses were found in one study to contain a very small amount of B12.

3) In contrast, every single other study of vegetarian and especially vegan populations has shown that a substantial proportion of the tested group had B12 deficiency or high MMA (related biological marker). There are about 11 of these studies, listed in the references to the above article.

4) In the study cited above, it was hypothesized (based on #2 and #3) that raw foodists consuming a diet based on carrot juice, fruits and veggies, and dehydrated barley grass juice might be able to avoid B12 deficiency. This hypothesis was incorrect. Like previous studies, they found about 50% of their subjects developed B12 deficiency.

On the side of raw food, not everyone in these studies developed B12 deficiency and it's not clear why some people do while others don't. However, most of these studies are short term and one longitudinal study concluded that all vegans studies eventually developed B12 deficiency. In my personal opinion, a long-term commitment to a raw food diet should be coupled with B12 supplementation - it's not a certainty that you will develop B12 deficiency, but it's a gamble you are taking. Also, the signs of B12 deficiency take a very long time to develop and signs are quite subtle at first.

Talk to you tomorrow!
Valerie in the Raw Food Diet World

dinner: aurgula salad + Micro greens,


Raw Food Diet Recipe - Raw Avocado/Almond Spread

Raw Avocado/Almond Spread


For one person, you need:

1/2 avocado
1 cup sprouted grains
1 Tbs almond butter
1 pinch sea salt

Just put everything in the mixer, vroooooooooooooooom vrooooooooooooooooom.

Enjoy with raw essene bread!


Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Day 24,25,26 - Weighing is tomorrow - stay tuned!


All is well in the raw food world...I am starting to find my marks here and feel very comfortable about this raw food diet :o)

Breakfast: carrots/apples home made juice.

Sport: 45 minutes uphill jogging + 15 minutes core conditioning

Breakfast second part: mashed banana with almond butter and a few pistachios on a slice of raw bread.

Lunch: a HUGE spring mix with yellow tomatoes, pumkin seeds and walnuts+ 1 parsimmon (this weird orange fruit...can't find out how to spell it :o)

Snack: a pear

sport: 15 minutes core conditiong

Dinner: not raw :o)

The day after, I weighed myself and ho! surprise! I have gained 1 pound but I am stable on the body fat do you explain it Doc? I am now 49 kilos and still 18.5% body fat.
Pretty healthy!

Good day yesterday:
Breakfast: my usual mashed banana and almond butter and raw bread

no sport at all and no yoga for the entire day! bad bad bad!

Lunch: all raw with salads and seeds

Snack: all raw with fresh parsimon fruit

Dinner: well....was invited at a Atkins lover's hosue! Had a piece of lamb and a HUGE salad....and then the bad host .... well...he was returning from Russia with Russian could I resist?


This morning, I think I did a mistake: I juiced red collar leaves with carrots and a pear. Made me sick like a dog!!!

Breakfast: as usual, mashed banana and almond butter and raw bread

no sport no yoga (yet) I still have time to make this day a great day!

Lunch: a HUGE raw platter with a mango/carrot juice and an amazing fresh coconut water.

Snack...not so good..I had ricotta and spinach ravioli (just created the recipe and had to try it..sorry Kaleah ;o)

ok now I am off to some yoga and kick boxing!

Talk to you tomorrow!
Valerie in the Raw Food Diet World

Monday, November 08, 2004


Day 23 - 100% Raw, Babe!

Greetings from the Raw Food Diet World!

Amazingly healthy breakfast: a home made apple juice, a weird fruit I don't know the name of (sounds like persimon or parsimon to me when people pronounce the name of that fruit), and a banana + a few nuts of all sorts.

sport: 40 minutes of MetaBoost (if you want to get FREE MetaBoost Cards, contact directly. She will be happy to give them to you)

Lunch: a HUGE salad with salad mix, a few pistachios, 2 baby tomatoes, a few raw crushed crackers + a slice of raw bread and almond butter.

sport: 30 minutes of strength yoga + 30 minute of fast paced walk

Dinner: huge salad mix with tomatoes, vinegar and 3 small ginger chews....could not resist :o) and I stole one piece of antelope from another plate and 1/8th of a potato.

All in all, a great day!

Have a great great day!


Day 21 - 22 You don't want to know :o)

Hello hello!!!

Well, the least I can say is that over the week end "raw" was not the most important word in my mind as we got our shipment from the Broken Arrow Ranch and enjoyed wild antelope meat....I did have lots of salads I did not turn into a fast food junkie..don't you worry!

Today is the next post!


Friday, November 05, 2004


Day 20 - I have found the best appetite suppressant!

Hello Hello!

Well in my quest to living foods, I think I have found the best treatment for cravings!
Some of my organic foods were so alive that they had worms inside and I only noticed it after I had eaten my avocado and when I saw 3 fat worms coming out of the brownish side I had not spooned out.
I guarantee you that RIGHT AWAY I was not hungry anymore!
The feeling lasted for a few hours...I think I am onto something: the Worm Diet!

Yesterday morning: raw bread with raw almond butter

20 minutes yoga

Lunch: my favorite restaurant made me a nice raw dish. I started the meal with a mango/carrot fresh juice.

Snack: pistachios and sun dried apricots

Dinner: not raw: a small patty and sauted potatoes

Great night of sleep! and as you can tell no sport yesterday!

Breakfast today: a "wormy spread" and raw bread (spread: avocado, sprouted grains, almond butter - yummy without the worms) - a fresh apple juice

Lunch: same place as yesterday so a nice raw dish with a nice mango and carrot juice

Snack: a few hazelnuts, grapes and 1/4 of an avocado

ok now I am off to some Kick Boxing oh yeah! (just bought a punching bag)

Hope all is well in your world and don't forget to listen to me tomorrow on the Good Life show from 3 pm to 4pm PST. Tune in to and click on LISTEN LIVE on the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Talk to you later!
Valerie the Raw

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Day 19 - Doing great!

Hello hello,

When I left you yesterday I ended up not doing yoga but a 30 minute MetaBoost instead....Pretty intense!

Lunch was 50% raw and 50% not raw because I was in a Swedish restaurant!

Walked for one hour at a fast pace.

No snack.

Dinner was a great raw salad and a few pieces of fruits.......

nothing special on that day!


Day 18 - They were staring at me!

wow and re-wow....

Before describing my food and exercise of yesterday and the day before, I have to tell you something!
Yesterday as I was walking towards my lunch place downtown Palo Alto, I noticed two or three guys were staring at me as I was walking. My first reflex was to check my back, and then look at my face in case something weird would have made it there! Nothing weird to notice so I kept on walking.

Had an amazing lunch with my friend John who told me "Valerie, you are glowing"!!!! that's maybe the reason why these guys were staring at me!.

Well, let me tell you something: this raw food diet is making me glow! so I am not going away from it!

Ok back to serious reporting stuff:

after my last post, I had 3 baby halloween treats at 4 pm (hey, there are about 500 at home!) but then walked it off with a 1 hour fast paced walk + 25 pounds of products I was carrying.
5 x 1 minute of invisible chair...If you don't know how to do it, contact our Certified Fitness Trainer Annette at

Dinner was pure raw: 2 cups of 9 sprouted grains (I am getting wild at this one) with pesto and vinegar + a few pistachions here and there.

Breakfast yesterday: raw bread with raw sundried tomato tapenade

Lunch: a fresh mango/carrot juice and there was nothing raw so I took a vegan quesadilla (still healthy!)...well let's tell the truth: I had 2 of these!

Snack: well I need to throw away these halloween treats! I had 4 of them.

Yoga: 2x15 minutes
Walk: 45 minutes fast paced with high heels

Dinner: raw: broccoli+baby spinach+pistachios+ sprouted grains

Slept like a baby..seems that after all I have tried against insomnia, the raw food diet is my best bet!

Breakfast this morning: a fresh carrot/apple juice....and an hour later, 2 slices of raw bread (remember, a slice is only 2 mm thick!) with raw honney (1 Tbs=60 calories). A warm tea with raw honey.

Now off to some to you tomorrow!

Monday, November 01, 2004


Day 17 - Back on track!


After the only 60% raw food week end, I am back on is much easier whan I am all by myself so it seems ;o) wink wink.

Breakfast: raw essene bread with raw sun dried tomatoes tapenade and raw pesto (walnut/cilantro).

40 minute uphill jogging

lots of pistachio.....not like a craving but I liked the feeling of it when they crack under my strong teeth!

Lunch: 1 cup of sprouted buckwheat with a little tiny bit of raw sun dried tomatoes tapenade and walnut/cilantro pesto. a few pistachios. I am almost out of them so very soon I won't be able to eat them all day long. and to finish on a sweet note: a few sun dried apricots (they are not orange because they are not treated with Sulphur Dioxide) and 1/3 of a Spirulina coconut raw bar (only 2 millimeters thick!).

30 minutes yoga.......

Feels good to be back on the raw food diet much more energetic!

Talk to you tomorrow and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Warmest regards,
Valerie the Raw


Day 14 & 15 - You don't wanna know :o)

Hello hello.....

Well, I must admit it is hard to go raw food with a family and friends who like meat, cheese and bread...Cannot really impose my ways to them and it is not very social for a French lady to refuse what people have cooked with love! What I could do though is introduce my friends to sprouted grains....I sprinkle them on top of the salads......seems I can introduce the raw world to them step by step!

So let's say that my week end was something between 50 and 65% raw.....for the don't want to know...because on top of it, here came Halloween and its Almond Joy!

To eliminate the Almond Joy I ran for 30 minutes on the beach in the I walked 2 hours for trick or treating :o)

Some yoga to feel go about myself........and then I had to think my coach...oops! what was she going to say???

So now I am a serious girl....go and read day 16 !


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