Monday, November 08, 2004


Day 23 - 100% Raw, Babe!

Greetings from the Raw Food Diet World!

Amazingly healthy breakfast: a home made apple juice, a weird fruit I don't know the name of (sounds like persimon or parsimon to me when people pronounce the name of that fruit), and a banana + a few nuts of all sorts.

sport: 40 minutes of MetaBoost (if you want to get FREE MetaBoost Cards, contact directly. She will be happy to give them to you)

Lunch: a HUGE salad with salad mix, a few pistachios, 2 baby tomatoes, a few raw crushed crackers + a slice of raw bread and almond butter.

sport: 30 minutes of strength yoga + 30 minute of fast paced walk

Dinner: huge salad mix with tomatoes, vinegar and 3 small ginger chews....could not resist :o) and I stole one piece of antelope from another plate and 1/8th of a potato.

All in all, a great day!

Have a great great day!

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